Thursday, August 26, 2010

Bad Ads

I cannot think of another commercial than Education Connection that I hate more. And judging from the youtube comments, I'm guessing most people feel the same. I think it's the perfect example of where trying to be "hip and trendy" went horribly wrong.

I know people love these things, but the commercials are just too tacky. You would think they were ads from the 1980s. Bad ones.

The wanta fanta girls will definitely get in the song in your head, but the last thing you will want is a fanta when the song starts driving you crazy.

What is going on here? Is this necessary?

They mean well, but something is really unsettling about their delivery. I like most of the ads in this campaign, but it's just this shower one that really seems like it's trying too hard.


  1. I ABSOLUTELY HATE that education connection commercial.... it makes me so angry every time i see it!

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