Saturday, February 21, 2009

stationery | envelope | business card ... whew!

(you have to click on them to see more of the details)

At long last, I feel like I'm darn near being done with these. I may change a few things as time goes on, but I feel pretty good about them. The template for my envelope is below. It will fold up and look like it does on the picture above. The business cards will have a perforated edge and will be folded up so they can be easily distributed by tearing them off like a ticket stub.

Some of the type may look too small or distorted to read on the gif, but it doesn't come out that way when printed.

Some things I am condidering
- The placement of the address on the envelope...
- The 'keep this ticket' text on the business card... Is it out of place? Does it relate?
- The placement stars and the moon on the back of the business card... Does it seem like the moon is shooting up from the film strip? I may need to work it out a little more...
- Maybe adding a slight texture to the tan colored stuff... maybe... eh...

So... client # 2... here I come!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

ticket to the stars

I was thinking a fun idea would be to put the business card on old fashioned movie tickets. The perforated edge would be a nice way to easily distribute the cards as well. The left side is my design for the front, which includes the theater address and the telephone number. On the right, I am working on the design for the back of the ticket. I want to include some sort of illustration on the empty spot to the left of the contact numbers. Maybe an illustration of the person listed on the ticket, or their favorite movie or something. Just some random ideas.... I'm SLEEPY!

Monday, February 16, 2009

my fonts

The site is very cool. I made these two fonts pretty quickly. They don't have much creativity to them, but I could find good use in them. The first one is obviously my handwriting. I've always wondered if there was a way to do this, and now I see there is. It really gives it a personal touch, but makes it clean and organized.

The second font is Japanese characters. I've always thought the standard Japanese fonts on the computer all looked the same. This way it can be more personal. I think I am gonna do this one again and make it look really cool. In my example it shows some Katakana, Hiragana, the numbers 1-9, the days of the week, and then a sample sentence. It may not make any sense to you, but I think it is pretty groovy.

trying to simplify my designs

I'm starting to get more and more comfortable with applying my logo to things. I still need to work on them, but I feel like I am starting to go in the right direction. I am getting a lot of ideas for my other client, so I will probably put this one on the back burner for a day or two.

I had no idea how hard it is to actually do things really simple...
Have I gone too boring? Maybe I should spice it up a little. I don't want the company to look bland...

I don't know if you can imagine this, but I want these printed on recyclable paper. Ya know, the kind that is off white and has a lot of texture in it. I'll just have to figure out a way to feed it through my printer. I think it will give the whole thing more personality.

Here are some older versions that I scrapped:

Thursday, February 12, 2009

first ideas for green sprout stationery

playing around with the film strip

I'm just messing around with the film strip theme. I don't think I am going to explore it to much because it's already feeling 'overdone' to me. I'm just getting warmed up with putting the logo to use. I also had an idea for a see through business card...

cmyk to pantone in photoshop

This is something I figured out just playing around with Photoshop.

If you guys are anything like me, you find it difficult searching through the limited Pantone color books to find the color you are truly wanting. To me, it is much easier to pick a color using CMYK, where I can just eyeball the different tints and shades of the entire color spectrum.

But then, I really hate going back later and trying to find a Pantone color that perfectly matches my choice. I've found a way in Photoshop to do it pretty easily.

First obviously, open up your file in Photoshop. In this case, it's one of the first logos I ever did.

Next, use the eydropper tool to select the color on your artwork that you wish to find a Pantone match for. Then, to the right double click on that color in the color window.

After that you should see the 'color picker' window. On the right side, click where it says 'color libraries'.

Finally, you should see a list of Pantone colors. The Pantone color that most closely matches your CMYK color will be highlighted in black. In this case, the blue in my CMYK logo is closest to PMS 284 C. You may not get an exact match, but it should be pretty dang close. I believe this works for RBG colors too.

Make sure you specify which Pantone Book you want to match your color with in the drop down menu at the top. I think it's best to pick 'solid coated' when printing on semi-gloss or glossy paper, and 'solid uncoated' for matte paper.

This really helped me out, so maybe you guys could get some use out of it... or maybe yall already knew this??

FINAL logos

Thursday, February 5, 2009


No more cars n' stars...
I can see me really having fun with that film strip on my stationery, business cards, etc...

paint it green

I felt like experimenting with my leaf and broke out the green paint. I don't really think I got anything better than what I had before, but it was a good experience. I'm looking at the leaf in a whole new way.
I must become one with the leaf... haha

Here's the lucky winner:

Now, let's put it in the logo. Not a drastic change, but maybe makes it a bit more personal. I think I might prefer the old one with the clean lines.

And speaking of the old one... I'm trying to decide on placement for 'vegetarian cuisine'. I was going to shorten it to just 'vegetarian', but I think the word 'cuisine' is really needed for the image I'm trying to give the place. That word makes you think differently about veggies.

I think it's either gonna be a little to the right of the desender of the 'p', like above, or centered and larger, like below.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

fine tuning green sprout / first stab at business cards

I've decided that for the green text, 'vegetarian cuisine' was a little crowded and didn't look good at a small scale. I've tried to shorten and simplify it. I might use another word/phrase, but for now I think 'vegetarian' alone sums it up pretty well.

I was curious how my logo might look on a business card. I threw this together just to see. It's nothing too serious, I was just playing around with it.

playing with colors

Just playing around with colors and readability. I still don't know which logo I am going to use for this client yet. I am just having fun with it until something really speaks to me...

Sunday, February 1, 2009

trying new things...

I took into account the comments I got and made some changes. I tried to make the cars more recognizable, and I played around with the location of the type.

I'm liking the look of this... but I am worried how it might look scaled down... maybe a simpler version would be better ???