Thursday, December 10, 2009

Updated Wine Bottles

Don't know how obvious it is from the pics, but my new wine box has a clear plastic window that you can see the character through when the bottle is placed inside. When the box is empty, the interior through the window is a solid color. I'm much happier with this box than the one I showed at critique. I'm playing off the 'toy' feel of the bottles and I think it works! I also completely re-did the paper tabs to make them movable and cleaner (no more glue on the bottle). I'm actually really happy with how this turned out!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Wine Bottles in Progress

I still need to add the paper tabs that wrap along the necks of the bottles. They will be the corresponding color to the illustrations, adding a little more color. I also need to rub down the last of the silver type on the backs, but it will look like this:

The box is coming together well, just need to put it together and get some photos on here...

Monday, October 26, 2009

Sticky N' Sweet 2.0

I definitely think the little bit of color on the background makes a huge difference. Thanks for the suggestions. I did add some subtle stars in there to make it seem more outer-spacey, but I want it to be kind of abstract so I didn't go to far with them. Whaddaya guys think?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sticky N' Sweet

I'll probably change a few more things on it, but I'm pretty happy with it thus far.

Type Poster Progress

I still have a lot of work to do on the type, but this is the basic look. My inspiration is Saturday morning cartoons and retro cereal commercials. I am going to add some logos and some more info under the type to make it look more official. I also need to mess with the texture in the background as well. How does it look so far? I will post again in a couple hours with an updated design.

My first idea kind of fell through. I wanted to gear the typeface more towards adults, and so I took a photo of my friend sort of seductively eating one of my letters. I didn't tell her by this point the candy has been sitting out for a couple of weeks... hahahahaha!!! I was going for a 'sink your teeth into this typeface' kind of thing... but it didn't really work out like I wanted it to. Plus, I don't really have time for another 'photoshoot' so I just sort of stopped...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My Potential Wine Re-Designs...

After walking around the store with a pen and paper, Ive come up with this short list of wines that I feel could use a little help with their designs. Some of these don't look that bad already, but could still be redone to look better. I basically looked for wines with a name that stood out to me. These are in order, from the ones I'm most excited about to the least:

Liars Dice

True Earth

Smoking Loon

Wishing Tree


Twisted Merlot

Snap Dragon

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Cover Update

Still messing around with the type size and color...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Taking My Cover Idea Further

I'm enjoying the look of these figures, but I feel like it needed something more. I want it to tell more of a story. I added another figure to hopefully support the content of the article better. The reason I am using these heads instead of a model is because I feel it will make the content of the magazine more abstract, and so it will apply to anyone who is reading (rather than associating the articles with an actual human face). I've tried to capture a bit of emotion on each face. even though they are pretty lifeless looking in person. I've also desaturated the red because it was a bit harsh on the eyes before.

Any thoughts on the look of my design?

Let's think back to the horribly tacky current design...

Concepting a Cover

Not really set on the type or anything... just wanted to get this out.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My Candy Alphabet

Still trying to think of a name for it. I was thinking 'Sweet Tooth' or 'Sugar Rush', but I want to use the letter 'M' because it's my favorite. I also got rid of the black licorice 'Q' because it didn't fit in with the other colorful letters.... and it can't be a bunch of candy without a lollipop!!

It looks better if you click on it and view it at a larger size.

Play My Birthday Gift Game

Click Here or on the picture to play

Friday, October 9, 2009


I just finally got around to checking my mailbox and I got your guys cards! Thank you so much!! What a cool thing to do! I'm reading them all one by one and they're great!


(I didn't make the thank you gif, but I thought it was groovy)


Hey guys. If anyone's wondering, today I'm starting to feel like my old self. I should be back in class on Monday. Thanks for all the comments and concerns!! :)

Monday, October 5, 2009

This isn't good

My fever keeps rising and I keep feeling worse and worse... I'm definitely going to the doctor first thing in the morning. I might go the emergency room tonite, but I live alone and have no one to take me.


I woke up this morning and it's gotten worse. Maybe I should go to the hospital if it reaches 103 or 104 ???

I keep throwing up and my body is in PAIN!!!!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

I'm Dying :(

I seem to have come down with the flu... BAD.
I feel like Chris's poster... muscle aches, chills, fever, weakness, headache... :(
I'm worried I might become behind on my schoolwork... :(
Everyone take some extra Vitamin C... it's an ugly one!!!!

Sugar High

If I eat one more piece of candy, I am going to go INSANE!!!!!

I've got all of my letter forms photographed, it's just a matter of getting them into photoshop and taking out the backgrounds. Here's the ones I've gotten done so far. I think they might look pretty good when I get them all together and lined up properly. I want to give each letter form it's own 'personality'.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Murakami = The Greatest

I LOVE this author so much. His books are amazing. Actually, the artwork on the covers of his English translations is what drew me to him. They really stand out on the shelf and you can't help but want to take a closer look.

'Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World' is my personal favorite. I love the colors and the way the horizontal lines interrupt the picture.